
What’s an Oil & Gas Investor Lead?

Welcome to Accreditedinvestorleads.tv If you’re looking for accredited oil & gas investors, you have come to the right place. Here at Accreditedinvestorleads.tv, we have been in the leads buying and selling business for 32 years. We boast an A+ rating from the better business bureau with excellent customer satisfaction. An investor leads list is a database containing information on several investors; a lead is one person’s name, address, and phone number. We boast an extensive investor database containing thousands of accredited oil and gas investors. So, if you’re looking for an investor to invest in your company, look no further than Accreditedinvestorleads.tv. We have every type of investor lead you may need.

Why Would You Come To My Company Looking For Accredited Oil and Gas Investor Leads?

For starters, we’ve been in business for over 30 years and have an A+ rating with the BBB. We’ve had no complaints for over 25 years, a record that is hard to come by in this business. We boast an extensive, accurate database with many different types of leads. Our oil & gas leads are verified regularly to ensure they are current. We don’t peddle paper to our clients. We provide only the most top-quality leads, which is why we have been in business for as long as we have.

What is an Oil & Gas Investor?

Oil and Gas Investors invest exclusively in oil and gas ventures. Typically these oil and gas investments are done as a private placement. Private placement offerings are securities released for sale only to accredited investors. With private placements comes the word “accredited,” and to be accredited means that an individual has to have at least a $200,000 income for the last two years and at least $1 million net worth (not including their home), experience managing their personal investment portfolio and, of course, typically $25,000 to $50,000 of risk capital.

Oil & Gas Leads

The Right Investor List Might Save Your Bank?

Are you looking exclusively for accredited oil and gas investor leads? You must ensure you’re buying the correct type of investor list. There are many types of investors, and you save money if you buy an accurate investor list. However, you also save time calling investors interested in your business. What makes Accreditedinvestorleads.tv leads better than our competitors; experts have surveyed our leads to ensure that they can invest in oil investments.

The Best Leads for Investing in Oil Companies

Our oil & gas investor leads meet the SEC’s criteria to be considered accredited investors. We extensively vet the name in our database to ensure we provide our clients with high-quality leads. Can you find cheaper leads than ours? Sure, but they will be of different standards than ours. We are not here to break our clients’ pockets, so our leads are reasonably priced. We have been in the leads buying and selling business for 30 years with an A+ rating and no complaints. We are not scamming or nickel and diming our clients. We have a reputation for providing you with the best leads in the country.

If you would like additional information, feel free to call us; our CEO John Fischer will be happy to speak to you. You can reach John at 561-239-0364.